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Skullis Brecciated Jasper Alien w/Labradorite Eyes

Skullis Brecciated Jasper Alien w/Labradorite Eyes

Oh WOW! This Skullis carved star being is really full of love! The hematite heavily visible and makes this sweet one a true powerhouse! This is a very special being looking for that right keeper to share with!

S/he is 1.296kg or 2lbs 13.7oz and 4"x4"x3.25"

Brecciated Jasper is a dynamic stone that unites courage and strength with love and gentleness. It can help us feel safe and secure so that we are able to more fully explore our spiritual selves.

Labradorite energizes your imagination to create new ideas, bringing clarity to your inner self, bring peace, promote the third eye, encourages truth, flexibility, awakens freedom and balance, easy flow of energy within the body, and natural release.

All skulls are cleansed and receive a shamanic blessing before coming home to you.
Our skulls are always kept together with my personal collection and master skull, and receive tons of love, until it's time to move on to new keeper.

*please remember this is not a substitute for medical attention.

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